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first cause造句

"first cause"是什么意思  
  • That very simple sentence showed me, as i still think, the fallacy in the argument of the first cause .
  • What vince lord read, then re-read more carefully, at first caused him concern, after that perplexity, and eventually blazing anger .
  • That is , every effect is preceded by a cause , all the way back to the first cause , that being god or the divine
  • So what i do know , because i play with yao , i like to get yao going first cause i know i could get myself going at any time
  • Creation ; the infinite visibility and tangibility of the father / mother , the first cause , knowing himself / herself
  • What vince lord read , then re - read more carefully , at first caused him concern , after that perplexity , and eventually blazing anger
  • The first cause of the liberation of women was the development of effective birth - control methods , freeing women form the endless cycle of childbearing and rearing
  • Many young men of palestrina , frascati , and pampinara had disappeared . their disappearance at first caused much disquietude ; but it was soon known that they had joined cucumetto
  • I believe , returned doctor manette , that there had been a strong and extraordinary revival of the train of thought and remembrance that was the first cause of the malady
    “我相信, ”曼内特医生回答, “是因为导致疾病的一连串思想和回忆重新以激烈的异常的形式出现所致。
  • This consciousness upon which he had intruded was the single opportunity of existence ever vouchsafed to tess by an unsympathetic first cause - her all ; her every and only chance
  • It's difficult to see first cause in a sentence. 用first cause造句挺难的
  • In the 21th century , the people are realizing that the science and technology as the first cause for productivity will do the unparalleled effect to the civilization and art
  • The first cause that leads problems is that it is affected by legislative system ; another is that legislative process is not perfect ; the last one is the departure from legislative directing thought
  • After the cold war , economic and trade cooperation has become the other important interest basis of the bilateral relations . the first cause of this is that america pays more attention to economic interest in foreign affaires
  • For example , she first caused me to become unconscious so i would not feel the pain of the impact during my car accident . also , she has made me realize that in death itself there is no suffering . we suffer only if we remain attached to the physical body
  • Two causes can be identified for this : the first cause is external , by which more and more appropriations of post - structuralism and post - modernism from the west have led cultural criticism to the pursuit of an impromptu pleasure , thus making cultural criticism into an intelligent game which is of great fun but not very practical ; the second cause is internal , by which intellectuals have changed their roles from " legislators " to " interpreters " since 1990 ' s , who , on one hand , could not take the responsibility of criticism , and on the other , changed the nature of cultural criticism by bringing a set of ideologies and ideas into it
    形成这种局面的原因有二:越来越多地借用解构主义和后现代主义色彩的理论资源使得文化批评更注重追求一种即时反应的快感,文化批评变成了好看、好玩却不解决实际问题甚至有可能遮蔽实际问题的智力游戏,这是其外部原因; 20世纪90年代以来,知识分子的角色发生了从“立法者”到“阐释者”的转型, “阐释者”一方面无力承担批判的重任,一方面又把相关的一套观念和理念带入文化批评中而使其改变了颜色,这是其内部原因。
  • Biotic or abiotic stimuli can first cause the alteration in apoplastic signaling system ; on the other hand , apoplast provides a convenient pathway for cell - cell communication , and therefore plays a key role in regulation of cell differentiation , organ genesis , and growth development of plants
  • The first cause is called a superficial cause , that is , the abolishment of the people " s commune is due to the popularization of the contracted responsibility system with remuneration linked to output in our country . the second cause is called a substantial cause , that is , the productive forces were seriously hindered by the people " s commune system
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